Abandoned US Pipe Factory - Exploring America
Abandoned US Pipe Factory

The Abandoned US Pipe Factory

In the 1870s, businessman Andrew McNeal helped create a company in Burlington to produce iron pipe for this growing market. That company would eventually become Burlington’s largest industry and part of one the largest pipe manufacturers in the US.

Then, in the 1890s, McNeal had built a three-story brick and stucco mansion at the edge of the property. When it was built, the 10,000 sq. ft. home was the largest and most elegant in the county. After McNeal sold his company, the mansion became the corporate headquarters and research facility of U.S. Pipe. Three wings would be added to the mansion during the 1920s and 30s. After the company relocated its headquarters to Alabama, the mansion became a regional office. In 1975 U.S. Pipe sold the mansion to the city of Burlington.

The abandoned US Pipe Factory has sat abandoned since it closed in 2008 falling victim to vandalism, arson, and scrappers. Reasons given for closing was “to reconfigure its operations to remain competitive with domestic manufacturing.” The closing eliminated roughly 180 jobs.


Source, and for more information:

Delaware River Heritage Tail

Photos of the Abandoned US Pipe Factory